Monday, December 21, 2015

the new house

I really thought we'd be living in our current house for another ten years or so. It wasn't our plan to move this soon. But, we can't see what will come, and our best laid plans are just plans. Here we are. Moving. Again.

This new house is very different. It's much more like the house we lived in two houses ago. It's 15 years old and BIG. It's in very good condition, just needing some cracks fixed up, holes patched, and walls painted. The couple we purchased it from were the original owners (I think) and they never had children. As far as we can tell, the paint on the walls is the original builder's white. They've kept white paint in good condition for 15 years. There are some things about the house that make me wonder if they were here much at all or ever had guests over. At any rate, I'm afraid with 5 kids, a big dog, a cat, and plenty of gatherings, this poor house won't know what hit it :)

The main reason for getting such a big house is that part of it is going to be converted into an apartment for my parents. They live an hour away and everyone agreed it was just the best decision all around for them to move up to where my family and my sister's family lived. Having their own private space in this house will, we all hope, be a great situation. Mom and Dad are excited about the change and happy to be able to see their grandchildren so much.

My favorite thing about the house is the windows. And the high ceilings. And the floor plan. And the huge kitchen island. There's a back staircase, too! Cosmetically, it's pretty vanilla right now, but I know the power of paint from experience, right? :) But with all the transition in store for us as we get Mom and Dad's space ready and we all adjust to a new normal, I know the painting projects are going to need to be at a fairly slow pace. First things first... and that means getting 9 people safe, comfortable, cozy, and cared for.

Here's the main floor of the house :)

That's it. I wonder how long it will take for it to feel like home. Friends help. We've had 17 people in it within the first day and a half of receiving the keys. Three of the older girls best friends were here to help us clean on Friday night. Church friends old and new were here. My sister has been out of town, but she gets home tonight and I'm sure she and I will get over there tomorrow. The more happy times with sweet, familiar faces in this new house the better. It's a great house for big groups. Which is good, because when Mom, Dad, the seven of us, and my sister's family are all together there are 14 of us. And I think we'll be together a lot :)


  1. I have missed your blog! I checked here at random today and saw that you moved! Congrats on the new home - it is beautiful! How exciting!

  2. Hey, Erin :) Thank you so much!


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