Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Number One Thing to Make a Blah Room More Pleasant

And get this... it's free!

It's not glamorous, though...

and it does take some time...

(check out our vacuum - I think I'll start calling it The Relic)

but, it can transform a room in nothin' flat :)

It's a massive cleaning day, of course.

Remember that master bedroom dilemma I mentioned earlier this month? This is it. Our window was encroaching on the headboard before we had treatments, but after the curtains went up, it was really looking "off". I am a symmetry girl, and this headboard/window arrangement wasn't going to fly. So, we moved the bed and the headboard is now against the opposite wall. There's something about moving furniture that makes me want to clean like a maniac. I get some sort of weird deep-cleaning adrenaline going. See? Even the sheets were stripped off. Had to wash everything, you know :) Anyone else identifying here?

And vacuum, and dust every little thing.

Does random stuff pile up in your bedroom, too? We've always used our bed to fold the laundry. No more! It's been getting folded on the girls' full-sized bed for the last few weeks. I think there is at least less piling up than there was before :) Our bedroom was so squeaky clean after this! The new windows had already made a big difference, and the white curtains added a lot, but getting it (almost) clutter-free made just as much of an impact and didn't cost a thing. Even with the old trim still in there, the hodge-podgey bedding, and absolutely nothing hanging on the walls - the room is actually pleasant to be in now. Makes me excited about how it will be when all of those things have been done, too!

We can't all have everything just so all the time, but it is nice to have our room as a place of relative order and rest. Nevermind the army men and legos in the living room! :)


Deb said...

I'm with you! When I move something around in a room I have to clean the whole thing from top to bottom. I try not to move things around too much!

Kristi said...

Found you through YHL and your fantastic door. I am going to try that myself.
Just had to tell you I have the same vacuum and I dearly love it. I am so afraid the dino. will die and I wont like the replacement as well!
Keep up the great work.