If you're reading this... that probably means you've just found us. And maybe you'd like to know a little more about us?
This blog started out as strictly a house blog. Over time, it's kind of morphed into a this-is-us-living-in-this-house-blog. It's very unique... this blog. I mean, a family living in a house? You don't come across something like that everyday, people.
If you've been here for a while and we know one another, you're still in luck, because I'm caffeinated. And feeling a tad slap-happy. And, I think, this post probably has something new for everyone.
Now we get to the part where I have to scour my photo archives looking for a picture, any picture, of myself that I might possibly want to represent the "About Me" post in my sidebar.
I'm not coming up with a lot here. Let's see...
Here we go. This is me. In March 2012. I'm 36 here, even though I know you were thinking I'm much younger than that. And, there beside me is my third-born, tutu-wearing child, Punkin, playing with my iPhone. More on Punkin later.
And this is my lover, Sam. He's 35 right now. That's right. A younger man... by six months. (I was rolling over before he was even born). Sam is wonderfully patient with me. And, this is going to sound gag me sweet, but he works on this house with hardly a complaint. Sure, sometimes I have to cry a little or get into a deep, dark funk to keep the projects rolling, but in general, he's right there on the same page with me regarding the house. Up at the crack of dawn on Saturday and chomping at the bit to just get at that trim.
Okay, you're right. That's not true. The part about me sometimes crying about the house is true - very true - but I stretched the truth on the rest. But, Sam is a really, really hard worker. And I am so thankful for the way he has sacrificed so much of his "free time" to make this house our home. And I'm thankful that he really talks to me, and listens to me, and loves me when I get stressed or down or overwhelmed by the exposed wires and torn up walls.
He's really an awesome guy.
Sam and I were married in February of 2000. Then we had four babies in six years. Then we bought this house because we apparently felt the need for far more caulk and paint fumes in our lives. Then we had another baby. And she's the greatest.
We have five children. Here they are...
This is SweetP. She's 11. And we're learning together how to be 36 and 11. She's extremely helpful. Responsible. Trustworthy. Smart as anything. Detail-oriented. Super sweet with little ones and not so sweet with those about, oh, 16 months younger than herself (who happen to share a room/bed with her). And she spends a long time in the bathroom. A. long. time.
This is Shug (like, short for Sugar). She's almost 10. Shug is this great combination of being tender-hearted, sensitive, and kind as well as fairly aggressive, distractable, and sometimes wildly enthusiastic. Picture a beautiful blonde girl with gorgeous blue eyes climbing a tree whilst loudly quoting a book in a British accent and brandishing a sword. And then you have Shug.
Punkin. Age 7. This girl has some serious personal style. And 'tude. She's also very creative, hilarious, uber dramatic (actually, all my kids are dramatic - except Baby - but Punkin is more dramatic), crazy helpful, mature for her age, and cuddly, cuddly, cuddly. She's been voted most-likey-to-make-us-spend-more-money-than-we-should-at-Athropologie.
And we have a boy! This is Little Dude (a.k.a. Dude or Brother). He's 5 and... what do I say about this little guy? He's five! He literally runs to me in the mornings with the hugest smile and biggest hug imagineable. He's a recovering whiner and is learning to be a big brother and not the youngest after a 4+ year reign as such. He's talkative, bright, energetic, tender, affectionate, often silly, excessively attentive to Baby, pretty obedient, and he needs to eat about 6 times a day. Or it's not good. At all. (See "recovering whiner" above).
And this? This is Baby. The child that makes me want at least 6 more. Maybe not six, but at least one. Pretty sure that's not going to happen, though. Baby's most likely our caboose. She's seven months old (but 5 months in this photo). Every child, every baby is blessing. But, this child amazes me daily. She is all sweetness and light. She gets a whole lotta love around here and just smiles sweetly as her brother bear hugs her right eye. She's all the things wonderful about having a baby in the house. I know her personality is going to "blossom" even more soon, and she might actually sometimes cry then. And, alas, she may - like the others - actually need trained at some point. But, we're just eating her up right now. She's awesome.
A few others things you should probably know.
#1 - We homeschool. But, we aren't weird or socially backward. Unless you count the good kind of weird. We might be that.
#2 - We are followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. And we are members of a traditonal, Baptist church. You do not have to be a Christian to read this blog. That's bonkers nonsense. But, I write about my beliefs. So, if you're not cool with that, you'll probably get annoyed from time to time. I write about these things because my life is not my own, it belongs to Jesus Christ. His life, death, and resurrection took my sin away and gave me His righteousness. Because He first loved me, now I love Him. And I want to obey Him. I can't do that on my own, and I fail miserably everyday. But, with His power at work within me, I am becoming more obedient and more like Him.
#3 - we live in Ohio. But I try not to say what part of Ohio. I'll give a tiny hint. If you divide the state into four equal quadrants, we're somewhere in the bottom left. But, I'm not saying whether it's the top of the bottom left or the left of the bottom left or the bottom of the bottom left or really more toward the dead middle of the state but just slightly in the bottom left or anything like that. It's just not Cleveland. Or Toledo.
#4 - I have different "voices" I write in. This particular post was written in my kind-of-silly-and-a-little-sarcastic-my-blog-is-great-and-I'm-so-funny-so-read-and-leave-me-comments voice. But, sometimes I'm rather serious. And sometimes I'm boring. Just thought you should know that.
#5 - Lastly, I would like to have chickens. Just two of them. I already have a spot picked out in the bakyard for their super stylish coop. And a bunny. Then, maybe when Baby is around four, I'd like to get a dog. A female boxer. That's what I'm thinking right now.
Anything else you'd like to know, you are welcome to ask. I get emails telling me when someone comments, so I'll see any comment you leave anywhere on the blog. I'm all about over-sharing, so don't be shy. But, please don't ask me how much money Sam makes or what our monthly house budget is. That's tacky. But, anything else.
Have a nice day!