Somehow, when you dive into this whole blog thing, you think your own blog is going to be wildly popular and you'll soon be receiving comment upon comment. Then, reality sets in and you realize that your life is, well, BORING - to anyone, that is, except you :)
We've come to that realization here at Home for the Better. No one is reading this blog. But, that's okay. Readers or no readers, we still want to have a record of the changes we have made to our (now) home. Because, at the very least, we may need to look back from time to time and remind ourselves of what we have accomplished so far. Nothing is more motivating than progress, right?
We would
love a comment now and then, of course, but we are determined to post, come what may. When we finish some of these projects, we want to be able to look back in amazement at the "before" pics and then feel that sweet satisfaction as we behold the "after" shots. Basically, we're going to keep this blog for us :) If you'd like to read it too, that would also be lovely.
Because it's a little more fun to type away as though you have some huge audience spellbound in rapt attention, we might sometimes post as though that is the case. Like right now, for instance. I'm explaining how I might be posting and declaring my purpose. Would I need to write that to myself? Probably not, but it's kind of fun to think that someone might give a rip and to imagine that someday one of our many, many faithful readers will stumble upon this post in our much-linked-to archives and chuckle.
But, even if that never happens... we post. Maybe not super often. Maybe not super interesting. But, we keep this little record of home-making nonetheless :)