I was getting ready to blow-dry Shug's hair tonight after her bath, and she plopped down on the ground in front of me with a daydreamy look on her face. "Mama", she began, "Mama, I miss the old house. It was just so... cozy, and I miss it". I pulled her up into my lap and snuggled her close. "Sometimes I miss it, too", I admitted. Then we talked for a little bit about what she thought she missed most about it. She couldn't pin it down exactly, but I think - after listening to her for a bit - I think I know what she means. Guess what, Shug, I feel the same way.
Every once in a while, I look at photos from the five years we lived in our previous home and find myself looking at the rooms in the background. It's funny, because it's not like the house was ever really decorated. It was comfortably furnished, but the years we lived there were busy years, and I didn't spend much time or money on it. It was a great house, but not because it had fabulous interior design or because the rooms were drop dead. It had great light, high ceilings, and plenty of room, but the physical features of the house are not what we miss. What really makes me miss that house a little is all of the memories we made in it.
The kitchen, especially.
It was never even painted, for pity's sake, but I have such a warm place in my heart for that boring, builder-grade, cookie cutter kitchen :)
With all our hearts...
So, Shug, sometimes I miss it, too. See, I love Home, and I really don't do well when I don't feel like Home is established and familiar and cozy. I think maybe I've been trying to hurry up and do as much as I can to this new house to try to make it Home more quickly. Paint, curtains, trim... all those things are nice and I'm thankful we can have them, but... they won't make this house Home. That just takes love, and learning, and smiles, and birthdays, and silly faces, and messes, and - time. It's coming along, though. You'll see. Before we know it, this house will be the best one, yet.
Good post! I really enjoyed it and it made me think of my previous homes. Especially the first apartment stephen and I shared together after we were married. It was small, but it was ours!
That is so sweet and so true!
Oh Jacci, what a beautiful post. You paint with words dear. I love you so much. Mom
Really touching.. And so very true. This really makes me can't wait to have kids. You are so lucky to have a lot of your family near you... So many of my family lives really far away and I really hope that'll change soon...
Hmm - looked all over for your contact info - can't find it! You can email me at elisawrites7@gmail.com :)
Aw, such a sweet post, Jacci..! You said it perfectly - and it'll happen. Soon enough.
Hi there. I'm new here via TYH and I am really enjoying your blog. Your children are beautiful, and I especially loved this post so far. Home is in fact where you make it, and that can't be rushed. Thank you for that reminder.
It must be hard to move away from a home where you have so many good memories. But you will make happy ones in your new place.
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